How to not google it anymore

published: 1 December 2024 edited: 9 December 2024

Over time, I have built up a collection of non-google search engines that I can go to for various different types of searches.

In Firefox I have a keyword set (through a bookmark) for each of these. This means that I can prepend the keyword to any search to use that search engine. For example if I want to search for “art” using the marginalia search engine I can enter “!marg art”.

General purpose

Indie websites

If you are looking for a small or independent website.




I’ll continue to update this if I find more - if you know of any that you think I might like I would love you to email me at tomjbrandis [at] gmail [dot] com.

I also might try and make my own search engine at some point for fun. It’s just an idea at this point and it probably wouldn’t be able to compete with any of these but we’ll see what happens with that.


09/12/24 - add “wibi” and “search my site”